这个软件提供的源代码R包flowPeaks打印机友好版本的这个文件是装饰图案pdf文件的一部分位于flowPeaks /本月/ doc / flowPeaks-guide。源包或位于flowPeaks pdf / doc / flowPeaks-guide flowPeaks库或Windows安装的库。1。许可下艺术许可证,您可以自由使用和重新分配这个软件。然而,我们问你引用下面的纸,如果你使用这个软件出版通用电气和Sealfon, flowPeaks:流式细胞仪数据的快速无监督聚类通过k - means和密度峰值发现,生物信息学,2012年按2概述我们结合有限混合模型的思想和直方图空间探索一起找到流式细胞仪数据的聚类。这个新算法,我们称为flowPeaks,可以应用于高维数据和识别形状不规则集群。算法首先使用K - means算法人口大K划分成许多小型集群。这些分区数据使我们能够生成平滑密度函数。当地的山峰都详尽探索发现的密度函数和细胞是由关联的本地集群的峰值。算法fowPeaks自动、快速、可靠和健壮的集群形状和离群值。细节可以看出本文由通用电气(2012)。 3 Installation 3.1 All users When you are reading this and find the R package is already available in the Bioconductor package repository. You can install it directly from the Bioconductor. --Windows users: select the menu "Packages" and then click "Select repositories..." and choose "BioC software". And then select the menu "Packages", click "install R package(s)..." and then look for the package flowPeaks --Linux users: This also works for Windows users. Type the following after you have invoked R > source("//www.anjoumacpherson.com/biocLite.R") > biocLite("flowPeaks") If this succeeds, congratulations. 3.2 Windows Users Please read section 3.1 to install the R package from Bioconductor before proceeding this. If you have the prebuilt binary of flowPeaks zip file, you can install the package by selecting the menu "Packages", and then "Install packages from a local zip file", and then point to prebuilt binary of flowPeaks zip file. To build flowPeaks from the source by using Rtools is very not straightforward. R novices are not encouraged to try this. Experienced R users need to carefully follow the instruction of the Rtools (http://www.murdoch-sutherland.com/Rtools/) and http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-admin.html#The-Windows-toolset. The GSL library needs to be downloaded from the file local215.zip at http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/pub/Rtools/goodies/multilib/. The top folder (top_path_local) of the extracted file local215.zip should contain three subfolders: include, share and lib. The next step is to modify the file flowPeaks/src/Makevar.win as below. PKG_LIBS += -L(top_path_local)/lib/$(R_ARCH)/ -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm PKG_CXXFLAGS += -I(top_path_local)/include The users are not encouraged to compile their own gsl library by MinGW or Visual Studio. Most likely their own version of gsl library is not going to work. 3.3 Linux Users To build the flowPeaks package from the source, make sure that the following is present on your system. C++ compiler GNU Scientific Library (GSL) A C++ compiler is needed to build the package as the core function is coded in C++. GSL can be downloaded directly from http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/ and follow its instructions to install the GSL from the source code. Alternatively, GSL can also be installed from your linux specific package manager (for example, Synaptic Package Manager for Ubuntu system). Other than the GSL binary library, please make sure the GSL development package is also installed, which includes the header files when building flowPeaks package. Now you are ready to install the package: R CMD INSTALL flowPeaks_x.y.z.tar.gz If GSL is installed at some non-standard location such that it cannot be found when installing flowPeaks. You need to do the following 1. Find out the GSL include location ( )GSL头文件存储在子文件夹GSL和GSL库位置( lib文件存储)。如果GSL的gsl_config可以运行,你可以让他们容易被gsl-config——cflags和gsl-config——libs 2。在文件flowPeaks / src / Makevars,您可能需要更改最后两行如下PKG_CXXFLAGS =我 PKG_LIBS = - l