版本变化1.5.17 (2021-04-22):+ associationTest继续工作,现在允许额外的对比下面的点(1.5.02版)中实现,也可以使用多个条件的情况。这导致一些问题与反相variance-covariance矩阵的对比,导致引入一个新的参数“逆”,它指定的过程转化这个variance-covariance矩阵。版本变化1.5.02 (2021-01-21):+ associationTest重大更新,在对比不再依赖于结而是依靠一个新的nPoints参数,指定点的数量使用每血统的对比。associationTest也有新的观点contrastType允许使用三种不同的对比测试。更多细节请参见associationTest的文档。注意,结果可以改变明显取决于所选择的类型的对比,特别是结合叠化截止(l2fc参数)。版本变化1.3.19(2020-10-16):+合并的条件分支成“大师”。因此现在‘主人’分支可以处理多个条件。有一个新的“条件”论点“fitGAM”处理,和condition-specific顺畅将适合每个血统。还有一个新的测试,“conditionTest”,这对德家族之间的环境下测试。 The way this is done under the hood is exactly like the `patternTest`. Changes in version 1.1.07 (2020-02-27): + added testing against fold change cut-off for all DE tests + default cut-off for deciding the rank of the variance-covariance matrix changed in patternTest and earlyDETest. This can impact the results of these tests. To return to original behaviour, set `eigenThresh=1e-8` argument. Changes in version 0.99.9902 (2019-10-23) + tradeSeq's fitGam and evaluateK functions do not have a seed argument anymore, as per Bioconductor's guidelines. Users are encouraged to set the seed manually with the set.seed function before running those functions for reproducibility purposes. Changes in version 0.99.47 (2019-09-02) + tradeSeq now provides `singleCellExperiment` output o fitGam now accepts a `slingshotDataSet` object as input o All tests and plotting functions accept a `singleCellExperiment` object that contain tradeSeq output Changes in version 0.99.0 (2019-06-22) + Submitted to Bioconductor Changes in version 0.9.0 (2019-03-15) + Reformatted to fulfill Bioconductor guidelines