版本变化1.9.0(猛击)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o默认添加链缺席。1.1.1版的变化(猛击)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o新功能特性称为draw_folding ()。这个函数允许链的画,螺旋和转类型表示区域的蛋白质组装beta-strands,αhelicies转弯或蛋白质的三维结构。阿新功能叫做parse_gff ()。这个函数导入文件或url链接GFF3格式和解析数据允许它被绘制。版本变化0.99.10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -参数显示阿。传说作为参数允许添加的选项显示或不显示按ggplot2传奇。版本变化0.99.9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o新功能特性称为draw_recept_dom ()。这个函数允许TOPO_DOM的绘图和TRANSMEM类型的受体。数据包括TNFR1和CD40 demonstate函数。 CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.8 ----------------------- FEATURES o New function called extact_transcripts. This function will ammend the data frame to allow each chain from the same UniProt accession number to to drawn separately. A vignette entitled drawProteins_extract_transcripts has been written to demonstrate. o LazyData is now false and NAMESPACE updated as per Bioconductor review. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.98.3 ----------------------- FEATURES o New function called draw_canvas. This function was previously within draw_chains but has now been pulled out to allow the generation of a canvas separately from the chains. It did require quite a rewrite but I think it will make things more useful For example, it will allow the plotting of domains without chains which has the potential to be very useful. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.98.2 ----------------------- FEATURES o Rename functions from geom to draw. E.g geom_chains is now geom_draw. This is because they weren't really geoms and using the word draw seem more helpful and a better reflection of the function. CHANGES VERSION 0.98.1 ------------------------- FEATURES o Drawing protein schematics from Uniprot database with Accession numbers