版本变化1.6.0(2023-04-20)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -用户可见的变化atena表达的准确性的改善阿量化方法。o固定TEtranscripts中的数值不稳定性的方法。o添加功能(.matchSeqinfo)协调seqinfo()对象对齐和对象的功能注释。o“OneCodeToFindThemAll”RepeatMasker注释注释解析器实现。o“atena”RepeatMasker注释注释解析器实现。o添加示例的小插曲TE注释预处理步骤使用解析器实现。o改变默认值的geneFeatures为NULL参数对象。BUG修复o固定错误不正确配对阅读。更改版本1.4.0(2022-11-31)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -用户可见的变化o‘选择’,实现‘平均’和‘设计’在望远镜方法分配模式。o创建4表达量化方法,称为atena方法。 o Modified 'ovUnion' method to address alignments overlapping > 1 feature. o Implemented 'OvIntersectionStrict' overlapping method. o Adapted annotaTEs() function to new RepeatMasker annotations in AnnotationHub. o Changed coercions to dgCMatrix and lgCMatrix to go via virtual classes to comply with latest updates in Matrix version 1.4-2. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.2.0 (2022-04-21) --------------------------------------- USER VISIBLE CHANGES o Higher accuracy in TE quantification for TEtranscripts and Telescope methods. o Improved EM step running time. o New AnnotationHub resource has been added: UCSCRepeatMasker. o Implemented function to retrieve and parse TE annotations. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.36 (2021-08-01) --------------------------------------- USER VISIBLE CHANGES o Submission of the first version to the Bioconductor project.