1.4版本的变化改变1.4.1 -添加可以选择保留时间匹配的光谱变量matchSpectra(问题# 98)。在1.3版本中变化在1.3.2 -添加mzR建议包,以确保包可以建造的小插曲。bob彩票平台1.3.1 -小变化在matchSpectra避免不必要的对象创建。——使用backendBpparam禁用并行处理matchSpectra如果后端不支持它。1.1.6变化在1.1版本中变化——scoreVariables函数返回分数变量的名称匹配的对象。1.1.5变化——BioC构建机器上解决问题。1.1.4变化- matchSpectra:支持CompDb参数目标。——添加CompAnnotionSource类以支持定义注释资源引用。——添加CompDbSource CompDb数据类定义一个引用。- matchSpectra:支持CompDbSource参数目标。 Changes in 1.1.3 - Extend filterMatches framework (issue #86). ScoreThresholdParam added to perform filtering the matches based on a threshold for the scores. Changes in 1.1.2 - lapply and endoapply methods (issue #84). lapply allows to apply any function to each subset of matches for each query element and returns the corresponding list of results. endoapply is similar but applies a function returning a Matched and returns a Matched representing updated matches. Changes in 1.1.1 - Extend filterMatches framework (issue #81). SelectMatchesParam and TopRankedMatchesParam added to perform respectively manual filtering and keeping only the best ranked matches for each query element. Changes in version 0.99 Changes in 0.99.15 - Highlight query and target spectra in different colors for validateMatchedSpectra. - query and/or target of type SummarizedExperiment supported for Matched objects. - MatchedSummarizedExperiment class removed. - query and/or target of type QFeatures supported for Matched objects. - Support SummarizedExperiment and QFeatures for both query and target parameters in matchValues. Changes in 0.99.14 - Improve plotly-based mirror plots in validateMatchedSpectra. Changes in 0.99.13 - Fix issue about matchedData not working for result objects of matchValues, Mz2MassParam and matchValues, Mz2MassRtParam (issue #69). Changes in 0.99.12 - Update plotly-based mirror plots in validateMatchedSpectra. Changes in 0.99.11 - Change matchMz into matchValues (issue #65). Changes in 0.99.10 - Add validateMatchedSpectra for manual inspection and validation of an MatchedSpectra object. Changes in 0.99.9 - Add setBackend for MatchedSpectra objects. Changes in 0.99.8 - Add matchMz, Mz2MassParam and matchMz, Mz2MassRtParam. (issue #56). Changes in 0.99.7 - Add formula matching functions. Changes in 0.99.5 - Add parameter ... to plotSpectraMirror. - Definitions of "score", "score_rt" changed to be the difference (with sign) between query and target m/z or retention time respectively. - "ppm_error" becomes error without sign. Changes in 0.99.4 - Add matches m/z error (variable "ppm_error") to the Matched object returned by matchMz. Changes in 0.99.3 - Address Herve's comments. Changes in version 0.2 Changes in 0.2.11 - Fix calculation of correct number of rows/columns of the plot in plotSpectraMirror. Changes in 0.2.10 - Add parameter toleranceRt to CompareSpectraParam to enable retention time-based pre-filtering (issue #35). Changes in 0.2.9 - Add support for manually defined adducts to Mass2MzParam (issue #41). Changes in 0.2.8 - Add parameter THRESHFUN_REVERSE to MatchForwardReverseParam to allow filtering results on forward and reverse score (issue #37). Changes in 0.2.7 - Performance improvement in matchSpectra if no precursor m/z filter is used (issue #38). - Report number of matching peaks in matchSpectra,MatchForwardReverseParam (issue #36). Changes in 0.2.6 - Fix bug in matchSpectra that was wrongly calculating the acceptable m/z difference if tolerance was > 0 (issue #34). Fix proposed by Hugo Varet (@hvaret). Changes in 0.2.5 - Improve performance of matchMz. - Rename queryColumn and targetColumn to queryColname and targetColname. Changes in 0.2.4 - Support data.frame, DataFrame and matrix in matchMz. - Add addMatches and filterMatches functions. Changes in 0.2.3 - Fixes in MatchedSpectra. Changes in 0.2.2 - Add MatchedSummarizedExperiment. Changes in 0.2.1 - Rename TargetMass2MzParam to Mass2MzParam. Changes in 0.2.0 - Add support for matching m/z against m/z and m/z in addition to retention times to matchMz. Changes in version 0.0 Changes in 0.0.4 - Fix vignette, documentations and unit tests.