1.14.0版本新特性的变化——本体的ontomap函数提供了一个参考表id和电池包中可用的数据类型名称。——scRNAseq colData cord_blood和peripheral_blood CITEseq提供的数据集函数。(@drighelli) Bug修复和次要改进——使用BiocBaseUtils内部处理断言和检查。版本变化1.12.0 Bug修复和次要改进——添加路德维希Geistlinger作者(@lgeistlinger)贡献GTseq数据集。版本变化1.8.0 Bug修复和小改进,更新的参考SCoPE2装饰图案(@cvanderaa)。版本1.6.0新特性——scMultiome版本1.0.1的变化提供了10 x RNAseq数据格式。Bug修复和小改进,更新seqFISH装饰图案和文档。——更新变化SummarizedExperiment assayDimnames在哪里检查。——scNMT默认版本1.0.0的QC过滤后的细胞。未经过滤的细胞部分看到版本? scNMT。 Changes in version 1.4.0 New features - SingleCellMultiModal function allows the combination of multiple multi-modal technologies. - GTseq data from Macaulay et al. (2015) now available (@lgeistlinger) - SCoPE2 data from Specht et al. now available thanks to @cvanderaa (#26) - scMultiome provides PBMC from 10X Genomics thanks to @rargelaguet Bug fixes and minor improvements - Metadata information (function call and call to technology map) included in SingleCellMultiModal - scNMT includes the original call in the MultiAssayExperiment metadata - Improved and edited Contributing Guidelines for clarity - seqFISH uses the spatialData argument with DataFrame input based on changes to SpatialExperiment (@drighelli) - Removed the extra column in the sampleMap in CITEseq (@drighelli) Changes in version 1.2.0 New features - CITEseq function, vignette, and 'cord_blood' data available (@drighelli, #18) - Include seqFISH function, vignette, and 'mouse_visual_cortex' data (v1 and v2 from @drighelli, #14) - New 'mouse_gastrulation' dataset released (version "2.0.0"). - Use version argument to indicate the mouse_gastrulation data version - The data includes all cells not only the ones that passed the QC of all three 'omics (thanks @rargelaguet, @ajabadi). Bug fixes and minor improvements - Caching mechanism uses tools::R_user_dir and not rappdirs. - Improved display of available data using ExperimentHub metadata. - Improved documentation explaining versioning differences. - Contribution guidelines available at https://github.com/waldronlab/SingleCellMultiModal/wiki/Contributing-Guidelines - Default version argument in scNMT function now set to "2.0.0" (version "1.0.0" still available) Changes in version 1.0.0 New features - scNMT serves the mouse gastrulation dataset from Argelaguet et al. 2019 - Data set is provided by Argelaguet and colleagues via CloudStor link: https://cloudstor.aarnet.edu.au/plus/s/Xzf5vCgAEUVgbfQ - GitHub repository for the dataset by the authors available at: https://github.com/rargelaguet/scnmt_gastrulation Bug fixes and minor improvements - Row names in the scNMT dataset properly show mouse ENSEMBL identifiers