版本4.5.1的更改 - 关注KEGG API升级,该升级从http更改为https(2022-06-06,MON) - 使用'WinInet'在.platform $ os.type =“ Windows”(2022-06-03,fri)-MV read.gmt and read.gmt.wp到'gson'软件包,并重新删除“ gson”(2022-04-28,thu)的这两个功能 - fix comparecluster fun fun = ronichichpathway(20222--4-28,thu)版本4.4.0的更改 - 生物导体3.15版本4.3.4中的版本更改 - keytype ='symbleable'&& redable = true = true = true(2022-4-9,SAT,SAT)时,请修复Enrichgo,Gsego和GroupGo。版本4.3.3-Parse GAF文件准备GO注释数据(ESP用于蛋白质组学研究)(2022-03-08,TUE,#397,#418,#418,#421,#442) - excaleCluster()中的错误(20222--)01-27,thu,#424)版本4.3.2中的更改 - extract_params()()(2022-01-12,wed,wed,#392,@AMCDAVID)中修复的错误 - simplify()在compareCluster中为gsego()工作()) - compareCluster()中GSEA方法的支持公式接口4.3.1- compareCluster()支持GSEA算法(2021-12-11,SAT) - 更新错误消息的下载错误消息。SimpLify()函数支持ONT = ALL(2021-10-27,WED)版本4.2.0-生物导体3.14版本4.1.4中的发布更改 - 导入Yulab.utils(2021-08-20,fri)更改版本4.1.3-删除https://github.com/yulab-smu/microbiomeprofiler(2021-08-15,sun)中的功能,删除人类肠道微生物组数据集,版本4.1.2-版本4.1.2-更新引文和描述(Sun)2021-08-15,太阳) - 更新kegg_species.rda,并允许使用Kegg API(2021-08-14,SAT)在线下载版本4.1.1中的更改​​ - 添加引文(创新上发布的新论文)(2021-07)(2021-07-04,Sun)版本4.0.0的更改 - 生物导体3.13版本3.99.1中的发布更改 - 添加新数据集,de_gse8057,其中包含从GSE8057(2020-03-08,MON,MON)获得的DE基因的变化。版本3.99版本3.99。0-添加kegg富集分析人类肠道微生物组数据(2021-02-20,SAT)版本3.19.1的更改 - 将默认超时设置为300供下载(2021-02-05,fri) - 固定下载方法设置 - 能够设置KEGG下载方法通过选项(clusterProfiler.download.method =方法)(2020-12-31,thu)版本3.18.0-Bioconductor 3.12版本(2020-10-28,wed)版本3.17.5-更新 - 更新[[。3.17.3版本中的比较集群(2020-10-14,WED)更改 - 使用Wikipathways(2020-09-09,WED)进行富集分析的内部suports-富集ORA分析-GSEWP用于GSEA分析-GET_WP_ORNISS -GET_WP_ORNISS用于列出支持的生物体 - read.gmt.wp for parsing gmt file downloaded from wikiPathways Changes in version 3.17.2 - use libcurl if capable (2020-09-08, Tue) - https://github.com/YuLab-SMU/clusterProfiler/pull/290 Changes in version 3.17.1 - bug fixed of extract_params (2020-08-18, Tue) - https://github.com/YuLab-SMU/clusterProfiler/issues/282 Changes in version 3.16.0 - Bioconductor 3.11 release Changes in version 3.15.3 - incorporate clusterProfiler.dplyr (2020-03-12, Thu) - arrange, filter, group_by, mutate, rename, select, slice and summarize Changes in version 3.15.2 - remove Suggests of KEGG.db as it will be deprecated in Bioconductor 3.11 (2020-01-14, Tue) - optimize enrichGO to use less memory (2019-12-13, Fri) - re-implement read.gmt without using GSEABase, and my own version is much more fasta :) Changes in version 3.15.1 - e.g. user can pass fun=enrichGO to compareCluster without quoting enrichGO (2019-12-02, Mon) - add keytype and readable info in compareCluster output - mv compareClusterResult class defintion to DOSE (2019-11-02, Sat) - mv fortify, barplot and dotplot for compareClusterResult to enrichplot. Changes in version 3.14.0 - Bioconductor 3.10 release Changes in version 3.12.0 - Bioconductor 3.9 release Changes in version 3.11.1 - asis parameter in [.compareClusterResult (2018-12-24, Mon) - https://github.com/GuangchuangYu/enrichplot/issues/17 Changes in version 3.10.0 - Bioconductor 3.8 release Changes in version 3.9.2 - re-export DOSE::gsfilter and DOSE::setReadable (2018-05-25, Fri) Changes in version 3.9.1 - change color scheme of dotplot of compareClusterResult back to red->purple (2018-05-17, Thu) - https://support.bioconductor.org/p/108996/ Changes in version 3.8.0 - Bioconductor 3.7 release Changes in version 3.7.1 - uniprot_get function (2018-01-30, Tue) - import enrichplot (2018-01-29, Mon)