版本变化1.7.0 - Bug修复:改变computeCliques函数的例子。版本变化0.99.3——新闻的变化。md格式。——改变“anClique”类从S3、S4,新文档一起这种变化。——内部功能的变化与S4类工作。改变Biocoductor 0.99.0——第一次提交版本。格式化的装饰图案的变化,和功能。版本变化0.3.2——“getAnnotation”函数中添加功能,现在公布成绩可以规范化,然后注释在不同组之间的比较容易。分数报告BUG修复——一个错误被纠正。版本0.3.1 -装饰图案的变化修改由于新的“xcsm”计划,在新版本3.6 R。版本变化0.3.0 -函数的新方法“anClique”和“createNetwork”。 Methods 'anClique.XCMSnExp' and 'createNetwork.XCMSnExp' developed for mz processed objects of class 'XCMSnExp' from xcms package. - In addition, a new internal function has been created to compute cosine similarity. Therefore, now the installation of package 'CAMERA' is in 'Suggests', because is only needed for analysing processed mzdata with the older 'xcmsSet' class of 'xcms'. Changes in version 0.2.4 - Function "getAnnotation" now it is more accurate, because for isotopic features, it uses charge information from "getIsotopes" function. Changes in version 0.2.3 - Function "computeCliques" corrected, there was a small bug in the "step" variable. Function "getIsotopes" corrected, bug when "filterIso" leave no isotopes in the group. BUG FIXES - In function "filterIso", small bug corrected. maxGrade parameter was not working correctly, fixed for function "getIsotopes". Changes in version 0.2.2 BUG FIXES - Function "getIsotopes" updated: there was a bug when the sample had no isotopes, now corrected. - Function "getAnnotation" updated: there was a bug when the sample had no isotopes, now corrected. Changes in version 0.2.1 *First version of cliqueMS