1.7.3版本变化重大变化——距离R的标准引用类转向R6类(# 57)。——httr现在是新的依赖取代RCurl (# 54)。ImmuneSpaceConnection连接类现在基于R6类系统(# 57)。——getGEMatrix方法现在可以访问队列使用的原始矩阵outputType =原始参数和返回probe-level(芯片)或gene-counts (RNAseq)、非规范化或总结的数据必须执行哪些操作(# 63)。——“冗长”getGEmatrix方法现在有一个布尔参数设置为TRUE时,将打印的信息矩阵构造,如标准化过程和注释版本(# 66)。——更新打印对象的方法来显示一个漂亮的总结(# 62)。——getDataset方法将返回一个空的数据帧为无效数据集名称(# 68)。——重组字段和方法在公共和私人(# 59岁# 60)。——有些字段和方法被命名为符合现有的命名约定(动词+ camelCase),和其他被记录为用户(# 59岁# 60)。——这些都是目前可用的字段和方法。 Please note the name changes and deprecated fields and methods in the new version. Check the class documentation for detailed description of fields and methods. Fields - study - availableDatasets (renamed from available_datasets) - cache (renamed from data_cache) - config Methods - print (renamed from show) - listDatasets - listGEMatrices (renamed from GeneExpressionMatrices) - listGEAnalysis - listParticipantGroups - getDataset - getGEMatrix - getGEAnalysis - getGEFiles - getGEInputs (renamed from GeneExpressionInputs) - getParticipantData - addTreatment - mapSampleNames (renamed from EMNames) - plot (renamed from quick_plot) - clearCache (renamed from clear_cache) Minor bug fixes and improvements - Reorganized the file structure in /R (#60). - Fixed .onLoad() note on R CMD CHECK (#61). - Removed setting of RCurlOptions cainfo and CA certificates as it is no longer needed for httr (#61). - Modified user agent to capture more information about user's R environment (i.e., "R/3.4.3 (Linux x86_64) Rlabkey/2.2.0 ImmuneSpaceR/1.7.2") (#61). - Built a pkgdown site (#67). - Added an argument (mc.cores) to checkRawFiles method as a temporary fix for httr's bug (not working well with mclapply) (#64). - Updated checkStudyCompliance (#65).