mistyR是多视图的实现细胞间SpaTialmodeling框架(雾)。雾是一种可辩解的机器学习框架知识提取和单细胞的分析,高度多路复用,空间解析数据。雾有助于深入理解标志的交互通过分析内部和细胞间的关系。雾是一个灵活的框架能够处理一个自定义的视图。这些视图可以描述不同的空间上下文,即。,define a relationship among the observed expressions of the markers, such as intracellular regulation or paracrine regulation, but also, the views can also capture cell-type specific relationships, capture relations between functional footprints or focus on relations between different anatomical regions. Each MISTy view is considered as a potential source of variability in the measured marker expressions. Each MISTy view is then analyzed for its contribution to the total expression of each marker and is explained in terms of the interactions with other measurements that led to the observed contribution.
作者:乔帆Tanevski (cre, aut)里卡多·奥马尔·拉米雷斯弗洛雷斯(施)菲利普·谢弗(施)
维护人员:约文。Tanevski <约文。。在uni-heidelberg.de tanevski >
如果(!要求(“BiocManager”,悄悄地= TRUE)) install.packages (BiocManager) #以下初始化使用Bioc猛击BiocManager::安装(version =“重击”)BiocManager::安装(“mistyR”)
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文本 | 新闻 |
biocViews | BiomedicalInformatics,CellBiology,DecisionTree,回归,SingleCell,软件,空间,SystemsBiology |
版本 | 1.9.1 |
Bioconductor自 | BioC 3.13 (r - 4.1)(2年) |
许可证 | GPL-3 |
取决于 | R (> = 4.0) |
进口 | 脱字符号,为了deldir,消化,距离,dplyr (> = 1.1.0) filelock, furrr (> = 0.2.0) ggplot2,方法,purrr,游侠,readr(> = 2.0.0),脊,rlang rlist, R。stringr跑龙套,统计,宠物猫、tidyr tidyselect(> = 1.2.0),跑龙套,withr |
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建议 | BiocStyle、covr、地球的未来,igraph(> = 1.2.7)编写,安恩科技kernlab, knitr,质量,rmarkdown, RSNNS, testthat (> = 3.0.0), xgboost |
SystemRequirements | |
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URL | https://saezlab.github.io/mistyR/ |
BugReports | https://github.com/saezlab/mistyR/issues |
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构建报告 |
遵循bob 体育网址 指示在R会话中使用这个包。
源包 | mistyR_1.9.1.tar.gz |
Windows二进制 | mistyR_1.9.1.zip |
macOS二进制(x86_64) | mistyR_1.9.1.tgz |
macOS二进制(arm64) | |
源库 | git克隆https://git.bioconductor.org/packages/mistyR |
源库(开发人员访问) | git克隆git@git.bioconductor.org:包/ mistyR |
Bioc包浏览器 | https://code.bioconductor.org/browse/mistyR/ |
包短Url | //www.anjoumacpherson.com/packages/mistyR/ |
包下载报告 | 下载数据 |