#R软件包Affypara-新闻##版权所有(C)2008-2013:Markus Schmidberger ###########################################################1.19.1(构建23. 2013年3月) - 获得干净构建的affypara 1.17.1(构建26. juli 2012) - read.affypara中的cdfname对象的bugfix。10. 2011年3月) - 群集对象的错误文件Affypara 1.11.1(构建17. 2010年11月17日) - vsnrmapara inf vsnrmapara affypara 1.7.4(构建15. 2010年4月15日) - 修复新版本的affypara 1.7.2(构建08. 3月08. 3月2010年) - 固定在每个功能中的GSUB警告(扩展= t) - 版权更新Affypara 1.7.1(构建05. 2010年3月5日) - Prepropara,摘要==无启用Affypara 1.5.11(构建14. 2009年8月14日) - 几个文档修复程序(断开链接)Affypara 1.5.5(构建10. 2009年8月10日) - 固定时间输出的修复。标准化 - Quantil-一些非常简单的改进Affypara 1.5.4(构建23. 2009年6月23日)-Vignette Update AFFYPARA 1.5.3(构建30. Mai 2009) - 添加了BoxPlotPara的附加工具:Bagplot-和Qasummary添加了Affypara 1.5.2(构建27. Mai 2009) - read.AffyBatchPara添加了Affypara 1.4.0(2009年4月21日构建)- 新的生物导体版本2.4 Affypara 1.3.8(构建25. 2009年3月) - 摘要优化了Affypara 1.3.7(构建23. 2009年3月) - 选项冗长设置为GetOption(“冗长”)并添加。对于内部函数的名称,avypara 1.3.5(构建18. 2008年12月) - 新功能makeCluster和stopcluster(超载雪功能) - 群集对象将保存为.affyparainternal internallentenv $ cl中的默认参数,并且默认群集对象将为在每个预处理功能中使用 - >不再需要群集对象处理:可用性改进! - boxplotPara and MAplotPara improved - documentation added and fixed for new structure affyPara 1.3.4 (build 14. November 2008) - boxplotPara improved - MAplotPara works - documentation added affyPara 1.3.3 (build 12. November 2008) - boxplotPara improved affyPara 1.3.2 (build 28. October 2008) - vsnPara (incl. doku) added - affyPara now works on multiprocessor machines and mulicomputer systems correctly - a lot of code improvements especially in data distribution affyPara 1.2.0 (build 22. October 2008) - new BioConductor Version 2.3 affyPara 1.1.9 (build 08. October 2008) - finalizing for new BioConductor Version - small code improvements in distibuteFiles (for multiprocessor machines) affyPara 1.1.8 (build 22. August 2008) - computeExpressionSet improved - changelog renamed to NEWS affyPara 1.1.7 (build 17. July 2008) - Parallelized partial Loess normalization with Permutation added - all Package building errors fixed - Package cleaning affyPara 1.1.6 (build 07. July 2008) - mergeAffyBatches improved for great dim matrices (-> hgu133 Plus 2.0 chips) - initAffyBatchSF: error for small numbers of nodes fixed affyPara 1.1.5 (build 02. July 2008) distributeFiles and removeDistributedFiles improved - default path variable - option for removing directory before distributing - some safety checks affyPara 1.1.4 (build 23. June 2008) normalizeAffyBatchLoessPara memory improvement affyPara 1.1.3 (build 3. June 2008) Vignette extended affyPara 1.1.2 (build 28. Mai 2008) Array Permutation over nodes added (intern function) Parallelized Loess normalization added affyPara 1.1.1 (build 16. Mai 2008) Bug fix for cluster with one node. affyPara 0.99.2 (build 28. March 2008) object.type as input removed from all functions Error in vignette removed Vignette extended affyPara 0.99.1 (build 20. March 2008 Improvement of the function distributeFiles affyPara 0.99.0 (build 1. March 2008) Finalizing for BioConductor release affyPara 0.3.0 (build 19. February 2008) Documentation added rmaPara added Modularization affyPara 0.2.0 (build 8. January 2008) Testcode affyPareTest now available Several bugs fixed affyPara 0.1.0 (build 15. November 2007) Parallelized Affy-Functions * bgCorrectPara * justBgCorrectPara * normalizeAffyBatchQuantilesPara * justNormalizeAffyBatchQuantilesPara