版本1.18.0的变化------------------------错误修复避免重复因子级别压缩元数据为cdsBy和朋友;以前引入错误的空元数据变化在版本1.16.0 ------------------------新功能o添加检查丢失的OrgDb包。taxidtoorgdb () o添加' OrgDb '参数makeOrganismDbFromBiomart()修改修改错误信息在。taxidtoorgdb()变化在版本1.14.0 ------------------------修改替换www.biomart.org www.ensembl.org o导入'mcols','mcols<-'从S4Vectors跟踪名称更改为GenomicFeatures:::.set_group_names() o添加biomaRt, rtracklayer到'建议';用于单元测试/手册页o elementlength被重命名-> elementNROWS在S4Vectors o替换require()与requireNamespace() o调整以响应'vals' -> '过滤器'重命名在GenomicFeatures o更新单元测试以反映新的PFAM数据或在单元测试中加载RSQLite;不再免费从AnnotationDbi::dbFileConnect使用新导出的函数从AnnotationDbi相关的select()和构建注释包CHANGES IN VERSION 1.10.0 ------------------------新功能o有机体mdb对象现在有方法最合理的TxDb方法。如果你能用TxDb做到这一点,它也应该适用于OrganismDb。o出口getTxDbIfAvailable()为那些可能希望方便地访问底层TxDb对象。修复了use.names参数现在与exonsBy和相关方法一起工作。版本1.4.0的变化------------------------基因方法的新特性现在工作在这些对象错误修复了更安全的参数处理的'by'参数访问使用它。版本1.4.0的变化------------------------新功能o键方法现在有了新的参数,以允许更复杂的过滤。 BUG FIXES o cols arguments and methods will now be columns arguments and methods o stricter argument checking for select and friends CHANGES IN VERSION 1.2.0 ------------------------ NEW FEATURES o There are now range based accessors (transcripts, exons, cds) that can be used to get data out of OrganismDb objects. o There are now list oriented range based accesors (transcriptsBy, exonsBy, cdsBy) that can be used to get data out of OrganismDb objects o All these new ranged based operations allow users to extract additional metadata via mcols slot in the resulting object. The extra data is specified via the columns argument to these methods. SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o New range based accessors allow you to get data back organized by range. Please see associated manual pages and vignette for more details. BUG FIXES o Show method for these objects is improved. o Documentation, tests and vignette updates for new methods. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.0 ------------------------ NEW FEATURES o OrganismDbi is for the creation and support of a new class of super-annotation packages o 'Stock' OrganismDbi packages are available for human mouse and rat with the 2.11 release of Bioconductor. o OrganismDbi has functionality for generating these packages. o OrganismDbi has methods that allow these packages to function. o OrganismDbi works by combining resources from Annotation packages that implement the four methods needed for a "select" style interface. The essense of this is detailed in the AnnotationDbi package, along with base classes etc.