“切割刀”软件包的发布历史========================================版本1.27.1[2020-06-05]:-修复文档中谷氨酰基内肽酶的切割规则感谢Mariia Chernigovskaya
用于报告此错误。版本1.25.1[2019-12-30]:-在小插图中添加缺失的空格。版本1.21.4[2018-12-26]:-在超链接中使用“https”(如果可能)。Version 1.21.3[2018-12-26]: -修正了“pepsin”和“pepsin1.3”的裂解规则。根据peptidecutter文档,“pepsin1.3”比“pepsin”(cleaves [FLWY])更具体(在[FL]);详情见https://github.com/sgibb/cleaver/issues/6。感谢Jean Manguy
用于报告此错误。版本1.21.2[2018-11-03]:-转换小插图从Sweave到rmarkdown。再次尝试修复手册页中的链接,以避免Windows上的警告。版本1.21.1[2018-11-01]:-在DESCRIPTION的Author字段中添加我的ORCID。修复手册页面中的链接,避免在Windows上出现WARNING。版本1.15.1[2017-06-08]:-不要认为最后一个氨基酸是解理位点。' cleavageSites("ACK", custom="K") '结果是' integer() '而不是' 3 '现在。谢谢Apurva Hegde
报告此问题。-删除' cleavageSites '中多余的"missedCleavages"参数。版本1.13.2[2017-02-14]:-使用' expect_equal '而不是' expect_same '来避免'。resequence '单元测试“toluca2”(Mac OS X Mavericks (10.9.5) / x86_64)。-将“importFrom(stats, setNames)”添加到NAMESPACE。版本1.13.1[2017-01-04]:-从*中删除GPL头。R文件。-删除无用的回电。版本1.5.3[2015-02-02]:—为UniProt设置taxId=9606。小插图。版本1.5.1[2015-01-24]:-如果解理位点数量小于允许遗漏的解理数量,则增加测试用例。版本1.3.8[2014-09-28]:—在DESCRIPTION文件的“title:”字段中使用标题大小写。版本1.3.7[2014-05-08]:-在cleavageRanges中使用' split '而不是' lapply '创建IRangesList, aastringset方法的速度要快两倍以上。 Version 1.3.6 [2014-05-03]: - Add cleavageRanges method for character, AAString and AAStringSet. - cleave,AAString returns an AAStringSet instead of an AAStringSetList object. - Fix return value of cleavageSites,AAStringSet. Version 1.3.5 [2014-04-30]: - Fix defintion of cleavageSites,AAStringSet. Version 1.3.4 [2014-04-30]: - Add cleavageSites method for character, AAString and AAStringSet. Version 1.3.3 [2014-04-28]: - Avoid duplicated digest of peptides results in a hugh speed improvement and a hugh memory reduction (removes fix from 1.1.8 and partly reintroduces original algorithm). - Remove memory test and "memoryThreshold" argument (fails on different platforms and is not important anymore using the "new" cleavage algorithm). - Change default of "unique" argument to "unique=TRUE". Version 1.3.2 [2014-04-25]: - Introduce simple memory test and "memoryThreshold" argument to avoid the calculation of ridiculous high numbers of "missedCleavages" and peptide combinations. Version 1.3.1 [2014-04-25]: - Add "custom" argument to allow the user defining own cleavage rules. Version 1.1.8 [2014-03-26]: - Fix missedCleavages>1. - Add argument "unique". - Add methods, Biostrings, IRanges to NAMESPACE. Version 1.1.7 [2014-03-25]: - Typo in the manual page. Version 1.1.5 [2014-02-25]: - Using AAStringSetList constructor for list of characters instead of creating a lot of AAStringSets dramatically decreases running time for cleave,AAStringSet-method. Version 1.1.4 [2013-12-20]: - tests: - move tests into tests/testthat to adapt to testthat 0.8 and new CRAN policy. Version 0.99.5 [2013-07-24]: - vignette: - remove duplicated sessionInfo entries. Version 0.99.4 [2013-07-23]: - vignette: - use BiocStyle. - add sessionInfo() and TOC. Version 0.99.3 [2013-07-08]: - vignette: add second BRAIN reference. Version 0.99.2 [2013-06-17]: - Replace own AAStringSetList constructor by Biostrings::AAStringSetList. - man/cleaver-package.Rd: remove static date. - vignette: add dynamic date and don't load Biostrings manually anymore. - NAMESPACE: don't import from Biostrings and IRanges. Version 0.99.1 [2013-05-30]: - Add S4-methods for character, AAString, AAStringSet. - man/cleave-methods.Rd: split table of cleavage rules to reduce table width. - Extend vignette (add BRAIN and UniProt.ws based examples). Version 0.99.0 [2013-04-27]: - Initial release.