版本变化1.4.4 o修复一个小错误消息文件中。3版本的变化o Bug修复:修复dittoFreqPlot()计算机械正确目标所有细胞类型,只必要分组每个样本。删除“retain.factor。水平的输入,因为适当的计算治疗“var”拼为一个因素,分组数据作为非要素。改变版本1.4.2 o Bug修复:让做的事。标签的NAs机械强劲。o Bug修复:允许dittoHeatmap()正确的drop_levels注释通过确保“annotation_colors”不会填充颜色为空的水平需要下降。1.4.1 o版本变化构建和测试基础设施修复/更新:删除其余修装饰图案,使所有单元测试的代码修交互条件SCE修拉的转换。o装饰图案更新:添加一个快速参考:修< = > dittoSeq ' o节文档更新:“元级()的变化在1.4版本中o添加1新的可视化功能:“dittoFreqPlot ()”。o添加互动构成了rowData”“SE和sc通过的交换。rownames的输入,如简化提供通过符号和var的id。 o Improved & expanded 'split.by' capabilities by: 1- adding them to 'dittoBarPlot()', 'dittoDotPlot()', and 'dittoPlotVarsAcrossGroups()'; 2- adding 'split.adjust' input to all functions for passing adjudstments to underlying 'facet_grid()' and 'facet_wrap()' calls; 3- adding 'split.show.all.others' input to 'dittoDimPlot()' and 'dittoScatterPlot()' to allow the full spectrum of points, rather than just points excluded with 'cells.use', to be shown as light gray in the background of all facets; 4- Bug fix: splitting now works with labeling of Dim/Scatter plots, with label position calculated per facet, and without affecting facet order. o Improved 'dittoPlot()'-plotting engine (also effects 'dittoPlotVarsAcrossGroups()', and 'dittoFreqPlot()') by: for y-axis plotting, 1- extended geom dodging to also work on jitters when 'color.by' is used to add subgroupings & 2- added a 'boxplot.lineweight' control option; for x-axis / ridge plotting, 1- added an alternative histogram-shaping option (Try 'ridgeplot.shape = "hist"') & 2- improved use of white space via a new 'ridgeplot.ymax.expansion' input. o Standardized output logic so that 'do.hover = TRUE' will lead to plotly conversion even when 'data.out = TRUE'. o 'dittoHeatmap()': 'order.by' can also now accept multiple gene/metadata names to order by & bug fix: when given an integer vector, that vector will be used directly to set the order of heatmap columns. o 'dittoBarPlot()': grouping & 'var' order control improved via addition of a 'retain.factor.levels' input. Changes in version 1.2 o Added 3 New Visualization Functions, 'dittoDotPlot()', 'dittoDimHex()' & 'dittoScatterHex()'. o Expanded SummarizedExperiment compatibility across the entire toolset. o Added ComplexHeatmap integration to 'dittoHeatmap()', controlled by a new input, 'complex'. o Added Rasterization for improved image editor compatibility of complex plots. (See the dedicated section in the vignette for details.) o Added 'labels.split.by' input & 'do.contour', 'contour.color', and 'contour.linetype' inputs to scatter/dim-plots. o Added 'order' input to scatter/dim-plots for control of plotting order. o Added 'metas' input for displaying such data with 'dittoHeatmap()'. o Added 'adjustment' input to 'meta()', which works exactly as in 'gene()' (but this is not yet implemented within data grab of visualiation functions). o Added 'adj.fxn' input to 'meta()' aand 'gene()' for added control of how data might be adjusted (but this is not yet implemented within data grab of visualiation functions). o Replaced (deprecated) 'highlight.genes' input with 'highlight.features' in 'dittoHeatmap()'. o Replaced (deprecated) 'OUT.List' input with 'list.out' for all 'multi_*' plotters. Changes in version 1.0.0 o Submitted to Bioconductor.