1.99.0版本的变化- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -主要更新o(1.99.0)默认的缓存位置发生了变化。使用工具:而不是rappdirs: user_cache_dir: R_user_dir。为了避免冲突的缓存,用户将不得不管理旧缓存位置之前。信息处理旧缓存位置提供的装饰图案。o(1.99.0)另一个重大变化,自动创建一个默认的缓存位置在非交互式会话,而不是使用一个临时位置。在交互式会话,用户仍然提示输入许可。1.17.0版本的变化- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o(1.17.1)删除小插图创建注释中心方案。引用和参考单一装饰图案AnnotationHub 1.15.0版本的变化- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BUG修复o(1.15.2)代理消息格式用户可见的变化(1.15.4)不严格的互联网检查o(1.15.3)添加链接github问题报告o(1.15.1)添加hubs@bioconductor.org发邮件寻求帮助的变化版本1.13.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -新特性o(1.13.5)新功能removeResources删除本地缓存的资源下载。更好的界面比使用缓存。改进的文档使用的设置缓存为空也删除资源。 o (1.13.4) Adds option ask to constructor. Default: True. Ask will ask user to create default ExperimentHub location and if in an non interactive session utilize a temporary directory. If False, the default directory is created and utilized without prompting. BUG FIXES o (1.13.8) Updated has_internet to nslookup. Certain locations block has_internet from running (block google dns). switched so can query the hub directly o (1.13.7) Fixed messages to be more informative o (1.13.2) Aaron's corrections to setExperimentHubOptions. USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o (1.13.1) Match ERROR message when resource not found in database. Instead of a generic "unknown key" give more detailed information. This is consistent with AnnotationHub/Hub-classes. If resource hasn't been completely removed from database, gives when the resource was removed. If the resource is available but after the snapshot date being utilized, specialized message. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.11.0 ------------------------ NEW FEATURES o (1.11.2) system environment variable to control localHub option for creating hub based only on previously downloaded resources o (1.11.5) With change in AnnotationHub. All force redownload of Hub sqlite file with refreshHub BUG FIXES o (1.11.2) Fix localHub when no internet connection. The internal use of isDevel was preventing Hub creation when no internet connection. Fixed by checking connection. This code pretained to orgDb filters CHANGES IN VERSION 1.9.0 ------------------------ SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o (1.9.2) The Hubs have been updated to use BiocFileCache as a backend utility for managing and downloading resources. This allows for file specific caching mechanism. This change is a significant user change as it changed the default directories for the Hubs (AnnotationHub/ExperimentHub) as well as the base directory no longer being hidden. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.4.0 ------------------------ NEW FEATURES o ExperimentHub will now work offline utilizing argument 'localHub'; will also use this option automatically if no internet connection is detected. o Add new vignette for creating ExperimentHub packages MODIFICATIONS o Update AnnotationHub dependency; new resource class RDSResource o move listResources and loadResources from AnnotationHub to here BUG FIXES o Fix typo in createHubAccessors with hard coded value VERSION 1.0.0 ------------------------ Package added to release BioC 3.4