版本2.22.1(2018-02-01)——固定一些bug。版本2.14.1 (2016-02-11)- NOISeqBIO已经修改一些复制可用时,计算时间已经彻底删除。——基因聚类在NOISeqBIO几个复制可用:这将是完成时的样本总数是9或更少(而不是10或更少)。——固定一个错误“生物型检测”情节。失败时的基因样本没有值= 0。——纠正一个错误的计算标准偏差NOISeqBIO D统计。版本2.14.0(2015-08-05)-固定一个错误“MD”情节——固定一个bug NOISeq-sim(即noiseq函数没有复制)版本2.12.0(2015-06-09)——新的“生物型检测”情节比较两个样品或条件。也是一个测试执行比例比较丰富的一个给定的两个样本之间的生物型/行使。——新功能来生成主成分分析情节从NOISeq对象或矩阵表达式。——新的ARSyNseq函数正确批效果或降低噪声未知来源当批信息是不可用的。 - Quality Control PDF report now includes the new "biotype detection" plot and PCA. - The User's Guide has been improved and extended to include the new functionalities. - Bugs were fixed. version 2.6.0 (2014-02-24) - Fixed bug in dat() function. Now data with two samples are allowed. - dat() function was also modified so parameter "norm" is accepted for "countsbio", "lengthbias" and "GCbias" plots. version 2.4.0 (2013-11-20) - A bug in "RNA composition" plot was fixed. - The "CountsBio" barplot has been modified. - User's guide and Reference manual have been improved. - A bug in "Saturation" plot has been fixed. - Normalization function has been modified so the user may choose the possibility of not applying a length correction although the length is provided. - NOISeqBIO results now include the log fold change (log2FC). - MD plot is now available also for NOISeqBIO results and D is plotted in log-scale. - A bug in "explo.plot" function has been fixed. version 2.2.0 (2013-10-14) - New function to generate a Quality Control Report in PDF format including all the exploratory plots. - Plot to evaluate RNA composition bias has been changed. - Some bugs have been fixed. version 2.0.0 (2013-07-25) - Included the new version of NOISeq for biological replicates: NOISeqBIO - Improved the exploratory plots for the quality control of the data that now include diagnostic plots for bias detection - Included a function to filter out low count features - Fixed the readData function so it can read the chromosome information if the chromosomes are not in numeric format. - The NOISeq output includes now the biotype information, if provided to the readData function. - A new exploratory plot for differential expression results has been added to the DE.plot function, in which the distribution of differentially expressed features across chromosomes or biotypes is shown.