版本变化1.8.0 o新功能介绍了联合化疗。它实现了非参数多变量测试意味着基于样本排名在MST类似功能键糟,但检验统计量之间的平均偏差CDFs的两个条件。o RMDtest介绍新功能。它实现了一个非参数多变量测试基于样本的方差在MST排名RKStest相似函数,但检验统计量之间的平均偏差CDFs的两个条件。o AggrFtest介绍新功能。它实现了非参数检验方差通过聚合获得的单变量假定值野生使用费舍尔的概率相结合的方法。测试假设所有基因的基因集显示无显著差异在两个条件之间的差异对备择假设,至少一个基因的基因集显示显著差异在两个条件之间的方差。findMST2 o新的功能。PPI的介绍。它找到的第一和第二mst findMST2相似的功能,但它接受一个对象类igraph作为输入,而基因表达数据的一个矩阵。输入igraph对象代表一个(PPI)蛋白质间交互作用网络可以二进制或加权,直接的或间接的。 o New wrapper function TestGeneSets is introduced. It performs a specific statistical method from the ones available in package GSAR for multiple gene sets. The gene sets are provided as a list of character vectors where each entry has the feature (gene) identifiers in a single gene set. o New argument pvalue.only added to all available statistical methods in the package. When pvalue.only=TRUE (default), each statistical method returns the p-value only. When pvalue.only=FALSE, each statistical method returns a list of length 3 consisting of the observed statistic, vector of permuted statistics, and p-value. o New arguments leg.x, leg.y, group1.name, group2.name, label.color, label.dist, vertex.size, vertex.label.font, and edge.width added to function plotMST2.pathway to allow more flexibility in generating plots. The values of most of these arguments are passed to function plot.igraph. Changes in version 1.4.0 o New argument return.weights added to function plotMST2.pathway. If return.weights=TRUE, the weight vectors found by GSNCA for the genes under two classes are returned as a 2-column matrix. Changes in version 1.2.2 o Bug fix in function HDP.ranking to accomodate the changes in package igraph (version 1.0.1). o Additional steps added to the code of the second case study in the vignette to filter C2 gene sets properly. o Minor changes in the vignette. Changes in version 1.0.0 o The package provides two-sample nonparametric multivariate statistical methods to test specific alternative hypotheses against a null hypothesis. o GSAR depends on package igraph to handle graphs in objects of class igraph and uses some functions too. o New capabilities and future changes will be reported in subsequent versions.