这个包提供了监督功能和例程的分析(即突变签名。,the signatures have to be known, cf. L. Alexandrov et al., Nature 2013 and L. Alexandrov et al., Bioaxiv 2018). In particular, the family of functions LCD (LCD = linear combination decomposition) can use optimal signature-specific cutoffs which takes care of different detectability of the different signatures. Moreover, the package provides different sets of mutational signatures, including the COSMIC and PCAWG SNV signatures and the PCAWG Indel signatures; the latter infering that with YAPSA, the concept of supervised analysis of mutational signatures is extended to Indel signatures. YAPSA also provides confidence intervals as computed by profile likelihoods and can perform signature analysis on a stratified mutational catalogue (SMC = stratify mutational catalogue) in order to analyze enrichment and depletion patterns for the signatures in different strata.
作者:丹尼尔·Huebschmann Lea Jopp-Saile卡罗琳安德森,Zuguang顾和马提亚Schlesner
维护人员:丹尼尔Huebschmann < Huebschmann。丹尼尔:googlemail.com >
如果(!requireNamespace (“BiocManager”,悄悄地= TRUE)) install.packages (“BiocManager”) BiocManager::安装(“YAPSA”)
browseVignettes (“YAPSA”)
HTML | R脚本 | 1。使用YAPSA |
HTML | R脚本 | 2。Signature-specific达标 |
HTML | R脚本 | 3所示。置信区间 |
HTML | R脚本 | 4所示。分层分析突变的签名 |
HTML | R脚本 | 5。Indel特征分析 |
HTML | R脚本 | 6。使用YAPSA韦斯数据 |
HTML | index . html | |
参考手册 | ||
文本 | 新闻 |
biocViews | BiologicalQuestion,聚类,DNASeq,GenomicVariation,测序,软件,SomaticMutation,StatisticalMethod,可视化 |
版本 | 1.14.0 |
Bioconductor自 | BioC 3.4 (r - 3.3)(4年) |
许可证 | GPL-3 |
取决于 | R (> = 3.6.0),GenomicRanges,ggplot2、网格 |
进口 | lsei,SomaticSignatures,VariantAnnotation,GenomeInfoDb,reshape2,gridExtra,corrplot,dendextend,GetoptLong,circlize,gtrellis,doParallel,PMCMR,ggbeeswarm,ComplexHeatmap,KEGGRESTgrDevices,Biostrings,BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19,magrittr,pracma,dplyr,跑龙套 |
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建议 | testthat,BiocStyle,knitr,rmarkdown |
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构建报告 |
遵循bob 体育网址 指示在R会话中使用这个包。
源包 | YAPSA_1.14.0.tar.gz |
Windows二进制 | YAPSA_1.14.0.zip |
macOS 10.13(高山脉) | YAPSA_1.14.0.tgz |
源库 | git克隆https://git.bioconductor.org/packages/YAPSA |
源库(开发人员访问) | git克隆git@git.bioconductor.org:包/ YAPSA |
包短Url | //www.anjoumacpherson.com/packages/YAPSA/ |
包下载报告 | 下载数据 |