版本变化1.8.0 o添加altExp()和相关的方法获取和设置替代实验。o添加splitAltExps()实用程序创建许多替代实验。o添加swapAltExp()效用之间的交换主要和替代实验。o弃用isSpike (), spikeNames处理spike-ins()和相关参数,代表spike-ins替代实验支持。o在sizeFactors弃用type =()和sizeFactorNames(),以前只需要存储spike-ins大小的因素。的内部变化表示阿reducedDims()来简化构造子集和结合。版本1.4.0 o允许的变化……构成了rowData()和参数被传递给colData ()。o说重量()方法获取/设置观察权重。o添加reducedDimNames < -方法设置维度降低槽的名字。 o Added withDimnames= argument to reducedDim() and reducedDims(). o Exported getters and setters for internal metadata fields. o Added developer instructions for making use of internal metadata fields. Changes in version 1.2.0 o Added the clearSpikes() function to remove all spike-in information. o Added the clearSizeFactors() function to remove all size factor information. o Added the sizeFactorNames() function to query the available (named) size factor sets. o isSpike() with an unknown spike-in set in type= will no longer throw an error, and will quietly return NULL. o isSpike<- with type=NULL is deprecated in favour of clearSpikes() for removing existing spike-in information. All spike-in sets must also be explicitly named during assignment. o Added the LinearEmbeddingMatrix class for storing dimensionality reduction with loadings. Changes in version 1.0.0 o New package SingleCellExperiment, for representation of single-cell genomics data.