1.9版的变化:显著的用户可见的改变改变了plotCtCor到图1相关性而不是相关性。修改qPCRset对象从eSet继承。这扩展了可以包含的(元)数据的范围。qPCRset现在包含从eSet继承的表型数据,featureData,协议实验等插槽。o readCtData已扩展到包括来自多个qPCR检测系统和供应商的文件格式。错误修正了1.7版的变化:重大的用户可见的变化,新功能增加了“几何。作为一种正常化的方法。在normalizeCtData的秩不变方法中检查所有na特征。o修改plotCtCategory以处理只有1个样本的情况。修改plotCtCategory,使颜色更加一致。o在readCtData中添加警告,如果在输入中有NAs版本1.5的变化:显著的用户可见的变化o对readCtData进行了小的调整,使其更适合来自Fluidigm平台的数据。 NEW FEATURES o Added function plotCtVariation for displaying variation across replicated features or samples. o Added function plotCtArray for visualising data from non-well plates (e.g. the Fluidigm platform) BUG FIXES o Fixed bug in readCtData causing repeats of featureType and featurePos when n.data>1. o Corrected bugs for subsetting when flag() or featureCategory() are missing. o Modified "history" slot for manually created qPCRset objects. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3: SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o NEW FEATURES o Added dupcor parameter to limmaCtData. BUG FIXES o Fixed bug in plotCtOverview affecting sample names starting with "M". o Corrected rbind so all data frames contain characters, not factors. o Changed a "stop" to a "warning" in readCtData. o Corrected qPCRset subsetting when columns are selected multiple times. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1: SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o Add "history" slot to qPCRset object, instead of "normalized". This means all operations (filtering, normalization etc.) performed on the object can be retrieved with getCtHistory. NEW FEATURES o n.data parameter to readCtData in case there are results from multiple cards in each file. o getCt and setCt added as accessor and replacement functions (alias for exprs). o Add "fold change" to the output from limmaCtData and ttestCtData. o Add p-value adjustment to ttestCtData. o Expanded functionality of plotCtPCA. o Added function changeCtLayout for data containing multiple samples per 384 well plate. o Added rbind and cbind functions for combining qPCRset objects. o Added mannwhitneyCtData for Mann-Whitney test between samples. BUG FIXES o Fixed a bug in readCtData regarding file paths. o Added "fake" featureNames to readCtData if not present in input. o Gives error if no column for Ct values is specified. o Fix bug in ttestCtData(.., paired=TRUE) (cf Jeremy Hetzel). o Added sample names to flag and featureCategory in readCtData. o Fixed bugs in plotting functions when exprs() only has 1 column. o Reset "par" after using plotCtCard. o Fixed bug with parameter "samples" in readCtData. o featureCategory only required if unR=TRUE and/or unD=TRUE in plotCtCard. o In plotCtDensity, remove samples were all values=NA. o The internal function panel.Ct.cor adjusted to handle NAs. o Remove all samples with just NA in plotCtPCA. o Fixed bug in ttestCtData (results always reported as "OK" not "Undetermined") o Add sampleNames to flag() and featureCategory() CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0: SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o First submission of HTqPCR to BioConductor.