#版1.1.3变化(2019-02-05)*没有明确进口SummarizedExperiment和Biobase减少内存成本。#版1.1.2(2018-12-30)*的变化更改代码以避免影响RNG mulitple核心的分配。#版1.1.1变化(2018-12-28)*添加reselectMG()来帮助选择标记探针。*添加redoASest()来重新评估和S矩阵和可选应用肌萎缩性侧索硬化症。*添加快速。选择选择贪婪搜索sffsHull()函数。*添加样本。怀特岛选择凸轮(),CAMPrep()和添加SW CAMPrepObj类。*添加generalNMF选项没有sum-to-one约束。*修复bug造成的NMF: .fcnnls()和进口更健壮的功能nnls:: nnls ()。 * fix bug in space median when dimenion is 2. * decrease Kmeans repetition times when input data has too many data points. * enhance simplex plot. # Changes in verison 0.99.7 * fix bug in plot mdl curves * correct install instruction in README.md # Changes in verison 0.99.6 * Correct typos in manuals # Changes in verison 0.99.5 * Remove Remove set.seed usage within functions. * fix bugs for input class identification. # Changes in verison 0.99.4 * Remove LazyData:true. * fix bugs for input class identification. * remove all-zero rows internally. # Changes in verison 0.99.3 * Objects returned from main functions are converted to S4 classes * Add accessor methods for S4 objects. * Input expression data could be SummarizedExperiment and ExpressionSet object. * The second Case Study in Vignettes used ExpressionSet type as input.