版本新闻1.03纸在BMC基因组学中发表。添加了引文文件。1.0.2固定丹麦人通用中的错误,现在再次与甲基对象一起使用。感谢Joana Viana的错误报告。1.0.1 COMBO.R中的校正错误(感谢Marco Boks的错误报告)0.99.16用ROC(BioConductor)软件包seabird()不再为停止参数的矢量替换对ROCR。0.99.15 CODOC校正。暂时取消对ROCR(以及GDATA)0.99.14甲基燃料方法[Dn] a [st] e [nt]现在返回包含归一化强度的对象以及betas固定bug as。现在,甲基脉络方法错误0.99.12 d ****现在有...的参数,以便没有Sentrix ID的数据应起作用(感谢Elodie Portales-Casamar的错误报告)。0.99.11 rgchannelsetextended pfilter方法固定0.99.10生物导体提交0.9.8甲基固定方法现在更新历史插槽;新的甲基酶方法用于pfilter;RGTOY2从数据(MinFitoy)中删除。 This is because minfi now expects the manifest to be a package; swan function patched so that it can process subsets of array data (provided by Jovana Maksimovic). Now works with melon data set; as.methylumi generic function added. Gets fData from package:IlluminaHumanMethylation450k.db . The MethyLumiSet method is useful for ensuring methylumi objects contain this data. Andrew Teschendorff's BMIQ function and a MethyLumiSet method added minfi 1.4.0 has a changed manifest structure resulting in SNP probes being left out of the MethylSet. This breaks genki() for the minfi objects and also the minfitoy data() set.