1.3版本的变化:o错误修复装饰图案;两版(颜色)第6页图使用CQN修正数据,蓝色的点在两个面板。现在左边的情节显示标准RPKM蓝色。由于玛丽亚keay 。阿小修复装饰图案在磨边机的例子中,由磨边机的变化引起的。o vignette和更新了引文的引用文件。o cqn。fixedlength被移除,使用cqn (lengthMethod =“固定”)。o cqn对象添加了一个调用插槽。o cqn()现在接受数矩阵1列或向量(尽管没有意义使用函数等数据)。o问题和答案添加到装饰图案和装饰图案转移到小插曲dir。1.1版本的变化:o补丁一样在1.0.1 o重新保存数据文件,所以他们占用较少的空间。o说磨边机表明:由于小插图使用它。 Changes in version 1.0.1: o The function alpha has been moved from ggplot2 to the new package scales. Vignette and Suggests: fields have been changed accordingly. o sizeFactors = NULL should now work for cqn and cq.fixedlength. Thanks to Maria Chikina for reporting this Changes in version 0.99: o Version bump as well as added to Bioconductor devel branch. o Wrote vignette. o Added additional manpages as well as examples. o Added data from Montgomery et al. o Added NAMESPACE file. o Added manpage for cqn. o Renamed cqn, cqn2. o Added NEWS.Rd file. o Added vignette skeleton. o Added CITATION file.