# - * - org-* - #+标题:pcamethods软件包的新闻文件*版本1.38.0 dmodx函数中的bugfix导致结果错误。感谢Mikhail Kozine指出了这一点。*版本1.33.0 **重大更改***启动了Dirk E.关于RCPP更新的补丁 - 状态“启动”从“ todo” [2010-11-11-28 sun 19:15] - 状态“ todo”。[2010-11-28太阳14:22]简而言之,RCPP现在可以(并且应该)使用链接场。此外,对RCPP的许多接口更改都使当前的nipals.cpp日期。*版本1.31.0更好地计算PC的数量,错误修复了SLPLOT,错误修复了导致Pareto缩放无法正常工作 *版本1.29.1 **次要更正 - 较小的校正 - 固定错误的错误,现在报告解释的方差UP到最高的PC而不是最低PC。*版本1.29.0 <2010-01-23 SAT> **现在可以直接进行调用PCA时进行CV,并通过PCARES对象保存结果,以使绘图更容易。一个新的方法图。pcares替换plotr2 **迁移到roxygen,此版本中的主要事件是,PCAMETHODS现在已完全记录在Roxygen样式评论字段中。不再编辑RD文件,Wohoo! ** Migration to using getter methods Should have been done to start with. Obvious advantages. ** Proper handling of pre-processing the prep method has been shaped up and now handles various kind of pre-processing and also post-processing where so that fitted can actually deliver the final fitted data. *** Unification of pre-processing policies All pca methods now only set scores, loadings and R2cum (all these may be computed slightly differently within the different methods) all other slots are handled by the pca wrapper method. This way, handling of pre-processing is guaranteed to be the same for all methods and makes for much cleaner code. ** Clean up Major tidying act (still ongoing). Many methods were creating unnecessary copies of large matrices and used poor variable names. This has been amended. * Version 1.27.2 <2010-01-05 Tue> - Krzanowski CV changed so to not try to estimate Q^2 for more PCs than possible. * Version 1.27.0 <2010-01-02 Sat> - No warnings anymore when requesting SVD on matrix with missing values, silently switch to nipals. - New C++ implementation of nipals, save old R-version to 'rnipals' for reference. - Dependence on package Rcpp which made C++ implementation much easier. - Successive introduction of Roxygen style documentation (.Rd files are generated from the comment sections) - Successive introduction of using getter functions instead of '@' - Remove redundant 'checkData' calls from *pca functions, it is called from pca() - Introduction of new X-validation approach which is applicable also for SVD. * Version 1.24.0 <2008-10-27 Mon> - Improvements to slplot, bugfixes and a show method * Version x.y.z <2008-02-27 Wed> - Replaced usage of exprSet class with ExpressionSet * Version x.y.z <2007-04-10 Tue> - Added robustSVD, a SVD implementation robust to outliers * Version x.y.z <2007-01-02 Tue> - Added a Non-linear PCA algorithm. * Version x.y.z <2006-12-11 Mon> - kEstimate interface has changed. Instead of specifying a single value for the maximum number of pcs it is now possible to specify an array, e.g. c(3,5,7,9.20) or 3:7 * Version x.y.z <2006-12-11 Mon> - Added a cluster based imputation method called llsImpute. This is mainly thought for comparison with the other methods. kEstimate may also be used with llsImpute. * Version 1.0.0 <2006-08-27 Sun> - This is the first revision of our pca package. Enjoy! * Planned ** C++ Versions of ppca and possibly bpca. Nlpca would be nice and would probably benefit most of being ported to C++.. *** ppca :STARTED: using gsl but speed gain so far not so remarkable ** DONE Proper handling of scaling and centering CLOSED: [2010-01-22 Fri 11:15] Current version is broken and need full rewrite ** DONE Add Q2 as a slot CLOSED: [2010-01-22 Fri 11:15] and a plotting function