版本3.12.0的变化:o read.maimages() with source="agilent"现在读取前景估计的中位数而不是平均前景。新选项source= "agilent. "Mean”保留了source=“agilent”的早期含义。o用户指南中增加了安捷伦单通道案例研究。o removeBatchEffect()现在纠正连续协变量以及定性因素。新函数camera()执行竞争性基因集测试,同时调整基因间相关性。o新函数interGeneCorrelation()估计一组基因的平均基因间相关性。roast()输出中的O列已重新排序。o参数“selected”和“selected2”在函数barcodeploy (), genesetttest()和wilcoxGST()中重命名为“index”和“index2”。barcodeploy()的默认标签现在更显式了。 o new function rankSumTestWithCorrelation extends the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test to allow for correlation between cases in one of the groups. geneSetTest() now calls this function instead of wilcox.test, with a consequence improvement in speed. o The lfc (log-fold-change) cutoff argument of topTable() is now applied to the minimum absolute logFC when ranking by F-statistic. Previously lfc was only used when ranking by t-statistic. o new methods "fast" and "affy" for normalizeCyclicLoess(), with "fast" becoming the default method. New argument 'cyclic.method' for normalizeBetweenArrays() gives access to the different cyclic loess methods. o There were problems with using the argument gene.weights in mroast(). This argument is now permitted to be of the same length as the number of probes in the data set. It is then automatically subsetted for each gene set. o mroast() now uses mid-p-values by default when adjusting for multiple testing. o neqc(), nec() and normexp.fit.control() now give user-friendly error messages when no negative control probes or no regular probes are found. Changes in version 3.10.0: o New function voom() allows RNA-Seq experiments to be analysed using the standard limma pipeline. An RNA-Seq case study is added to User's Guide. o treat(), roast() and mroast() can now estimate and work with a trend on the prior variance, bringing them into line with eBayes(). o barcodeplot() and barcodeplot2() merged into one function. o removeBatchEffect() can now correct for two batch factors. o plotMDS is now an S3 generic function. This allows MDS plots to be redrawn with new labels without needing to repeat the distance or scaling calculations. New S4 class "MDS" to hold the multidimensional scaling information output from plotMDS. o getEAWP() now gets probe annotation from the expression rownames of an EList object, if no other probe annotation is available. o topRomer() now ranks gene sets by secondary columns as well the primary criterion specified, to give a more meaningful ranking when the p-values are tied. o wilcoxGST() now accepts signed or unsigned test statistics. Change to p-value calculation in geneSetTest() when rank.only=FALSE to avoid zero p-values and follow recommendation of Phipson and Smyth (SAGMB, 2010). o plotMA() now recognizes ElistRaw and EList objects appropriately. o Default span for normalizeCyclicLoess increased from 0.4 to 0.7. Speed improved when weights=NULL. o Weaver case study (Section 11.5) in User's Guide is updated and rewritten. Data classes ElistRaw and Elist now described in the quick start section of the User's Guide. Other minor updates to User's Guide. o Bug fix for normalizeBetweenArrays() when object is an EListRaw and method="cyclicloess". Previously this function was applying cyclicloess to the raw intensities, then logging. Now it logs first, then applies cyclicloess. o Bug fix to avereps() for EList objects x when x$other is not empty.