0.99.3 2010-10-16 -清理示例。0.99.2 2010-10-15 -添加清理vignette构建OK在Windows下(停止集群和删除ff对象和tmp目录)。0.99.0 2010-10-06 -多核移动到“增强”,允许更容易的R CMD检查在Windows。按照旧的编号系统,与2.1.3相同。2.1.3 2010-10-06 - Rmpi在“增强”中,而不是“建议”中,允许在Mac和Windows中检查R CMD。L'Ecuyer作为默认的随机数生成器。对C例程使用R的注册机制。-减小示例的大小,以加快R CMD检查。—SOCK是默认集群,我们没有加载Rmpi。2.1.1 2010-09-30 -输出到CGHregions,从limma和snapCGH输入。 Changes in functions, help, vignnette. - Can also use rlecuyer. - Works with R-2.11 (adapted to differences in "inherits"). 2.1.0 2010-09-23 - First fully working version for BioC. Versioning changed! 1.0.0 2010-10-16 - First version in BioC release (2.7). 1.1.0 2010-10-28 - Clean up changes inside functions, deleting tmp. objects. (all in BioC devel version) 1.1.1 2011-03-27 - Trying to pass check in Windows 64-bit: all examples now execute within their temp dirs, which get deleted. And more Sys.sleep. - Further work in code to remove some unneeded temporary ff objects inside functions. 1.2.0 2011-04-14 - Version in BioC 2.8 1.2.1 2011-06-06 - Changed "if" in stop.na.inf, as per Dundan Murdoch's suggestion. 1.3.2 2011-10-18 - Added unloading of rlecuyer, to prevent problems with cleanEx during R CMD check. 1.3.3 2011-10-19 - Added more "Sys.sleep" to see if we can get it not to crash in Windoze.